Our School Council is a group of fantastic children from all Year Groups.  We are here to help support our fellow pupils and the local community of Chirk.  We encourage everyone at our school to eat Healthily and we will be holding competitions to help with this.  We use eat them to defeat them too. 

We love to raise money for our school and many other charities, all around the world.  We always keep an eye out on the news to see who else we can help.  We know that we are all equal and support everyone no matter there, race. religion or where they are from.  We welcome everyone at Ysgol y Waun.

We try and make our school a happy and better place for all our friends by always listening out for good ideas.  

Our first challenge this year was to hold Macmillan Cake Sale.  It was a great success and we raised over £600 for an amazing charity.  We held a cake sale for parents and children on Lloyds Lane site and a very successful sale for Chapel Lane, where all the children loved eating cake!
We at School Council have been busy asking our classmates what they would like to play with on the school playground.  We have made lists and placed orders to now buy equipment we can all play with.
Everyone is super happy!  
We will next build on our Healthy Snack and launch some competitions to help encourage this.