Dosbarth Orchard

KS2 Nurture Group – The Orchard

I am Miss James and I am very happy to be running the Lloyds Lane Nurture Group. I am lucky to be supported by Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Downs.

This year we have relocated, not too far, across the corridor in to a classroom which is much brighter and has views out onto the playground and field. 

Some children attend the group full-time whilst others attend part-time, this is something which is decided between the class teacher, our ALNCO Mrs Edwards and parents, with the best interests of the child being priority. 

During the week children take part in a variety of activities with a particular focus on social skills, well-being, self-esteem and empathy. Our PE day is Wednesday and we have Forest School on alternate Friday (I will keep you posted on the dates via SeeSaw).

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me.

More about the Nurture Provision

 Nurture Group rooms are carefully arranged to have the best of both classroom and a home environment. They are deigned to be warm and welcoming in order to provide a consistent, predictable and safe place for children. Provision should be of a high quality and link to curriculum activities, just as any classroom. There are areas for sharing stories, circle time and for completing tasks. There is an additional area for hosting snack time, where children are able to sit as a group and share a snack. In The Orchard there is also a reflection area for children to use for thinking time or for finding their own space.

 What is the purpose of a Nurture Group?

The Nurture Group is a small class with a maximum of 12 pupils. The children are carefully brought together to ensure a balanced and functional group. The Nurture Group continues the ethos of an already nurturing environment within our school and provides inclusion for all children promoting PSHE provision. Therefore the children are supported within The Orchard to raise their emotional well-being, self-esteem and have a sense of belonging to the school community. We provide a structured routine with clear boundaries so the children feel safe and secure. The Nurture Group is a place of learning.

We follow the six principles of the Nurture Network.

 The Nurture Group Principles:

 1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally

2. The classroom/school offers a safe base

3. Nurture is important for the development of self-esteem

4. Language is understood as a vital means of communication

5. All behaviour is communication

6. Transitions are significant in the lives of children


Reasons Children might attend a Nurture Group?

  • Low self esteem
  • Find it hard to listen to others or join in
  • Family illness or break up
  • Bereavement
  • Find it hard to share and take turns
  • Find it hard to settle into class
  • Friendship difficulties - keeping/making friends
  • Find it hard to accept losing a game
  • Quiet, shy, withdrawn


A teacher might identify a child with any of the above needs.

A discussion would then take place with the Senior Management Team and   Nurture staff. A Boxall Profile will be completed to identify possible areas of which a child might need support. If it is felt the child would benefit from a Nurture Group environment the class teacher will speak to the parent/carer and they will be given the opportunity to accept a place for their child to attend The Orchard.


What does an afternoon in The Orchard look like?

Children follow a structure and routine that is clear to both staff and children which includes group listening and speaking, individual and shared activities, social skills and work tasks.

 Within the session we share snack time together. This is a chance to talk around the table, listen to each other, take turns to speak and practice using manners.

 Taking part in a game, sometimes board games or team games, to encourage turn taking and coping with losing.

 Circle Time and sharing news – taking part and listening and sharing in a small group to build self-esteem and confidence.

Stimulating creative activities and lessons which cover areas of the curriculum.

Role play and drama – communication, listening to other ideas, taking on the role of different characters.

 Cooking, stories, and music.

 The Orchard is a place where we want to see children have the opportunity to grow in confidence and become engaged and successful learners in their classrooms and school community.

 How will the Nurture Group help your child?

Children follow a structure and routine that is clear to both staff and children which includes group listening and speaking, work tasks usually from their teacher, individual and shared playing and social skills. The group runs on consistency, positive reinforcement and praise.

The Nurture Group will help to boost confidence and self-esteem and provide children with extra skills to improve social skills and independence for example:

  • To engage in learning
  • To settle
  • To listen
  • To concentrate
  • To share and take turns
  • To accept losing a game
  • To build friendship with their classmates
  • Gives opportunities to talk about and understand their feelings
  • To work on curriculum based activities from their classrooms
  • To experience and practice the development of positive relationships

Does this mean my child is naughty?

No. These sessions are meant to help them manage situations and increase their skills to become more successful learners.

How long will my child attend the Nurture Group?

The Orchard runs five afternoons a week. A child may attend for 1-4 terms. However we ensure that children do not miss special assemblies, guests in school, outings or any special events that the rest of their class are taking part in. The Nurture team plan closely with the class teachers and each child follows a modified curriculum in an environment based on the six principles of nurture.

Are parents/carers involved?

Yes we pride ourselves on having an open door policy where parents/carers can come and chat with the class teacher or the Nurture staff with regard to their child.